In Conversation Series
We had a fantastic conversation with Alli Noel, a Certified Menopause Coach & Consultant, where we explored her work and explored the ins and outs of menopause and hormone changes.
We chat with the inspirational campaigner, Nikki Phinyapincha, founder of Transtalents Consulting Group, a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) firm in Thailand, and WorkPride host.
“In Conversation” with Marc McKenna-Coless who shares his impact, as a trans and non-binary ally, in his ground breaking work at both RBS/NatWest, and currently at LLoyd’s of London as well as his personal reflections on his own journey to become a trans and non-binary ally.
We speak to brilliant Rebecca Berry, known as the Inclusion Coach. Rebecca speaks about her journey as an active trans & nonbinary Ally and offers some great advice on being an Ally to our community.
Kenny Ethan Jones shares very openly his own experiences as a black trans man, his activism, his views on trans and non-binary inclusion in advertising and the impact of social media on mental health.
(sponsored by Xaxis)
Nabila Zulfiqar shares very openly her thoughts and experiences on intersectionality, diversity and inclusion as well as the role of the regulator. This is an amazing webinar where we discuss broader D&I topics and how senior leaders can step up as champions.
Christina Riley, trans “real” model in the Construction Industry talking openly about her life before and after her gender expression change (and Star Wars!).