Global Butterflies in the Press


A guide to trans and non-binary inclusion

A guide to trans and non-binary inclusion, written for Lloyd's of London

Guide to Gender-Neutral Drafting

Guide to Gender-Neutral Drafting, supported by Global Butterflies

 Blogs / Articles

Pink News

Managers urged to be a ‘force for allyship’ for trans and non-binary people at work

d & i leaders

A language of respect is everyone’s business

Lloyd's of London issues trans and non-binary inclusion guide

Lloyd’s of London issues trans and non-binary inclusion guide

Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance increases efforts to eliminate gendered language in legal drafting internationally

Brands urged to stop censoring LGBTQ couples

Brands urged to stop censoring LGBTQ couples, while bisexual and trans people remain invisible in mainstream advertising


Fighting for trans and non-binary rights!
